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**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of RLC, RND, ROS, S3D, EPRT, EPX, SAB, SAT, SCM

File Type:LoopCAD project
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:Project file created by LoopCAD.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Avenir Software Inc.

LoopCAD is the premiere software for the fast creation of professional quality circuit layout drawings for radiant heating systems. Save time, save money, look professional and finish 100% of the job.

You’ll be amazed when you see your radiant circuits automatically generated by LoopCAD. Easily change the patterns, the tube spacings, the number of circuits and many other pattern properties with just a few mouse clicks. And it’s easy to learn, even if you have no prior CAD experience.

File Type:AutoCAD Autoshade rendering slide
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:RND is the file extension for the Rendering slide file associated with AutoCAD-AutoShade.
Mime: application/prs.nprend
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Autodesk, Inc.

AutoCAD® OEM is a CAD development platform that provides tools to build custom AutoCAD-based software products for specific markets and extend design information to users outside the traditional CAD community. You can easily create industry-specific products that offer only the features, commands, menus, and design data that your customers require.

AutoCAD OEM is licensed to independent software developers, corporate developers, and system integrators who need to

  • Deliver a product that requires CAD functionality but is not targeted at traditional CAD users
  • Build products that can read and create DWG files that are fully compatible with AutoCAD DWG files
  • Create host programs that run an application in a child window or through a web page
  • Deliver products with scaled feature sets at scaled price points Provide an AutoCAD-based platform that cannot be customized or extended by end users
  • Replace an aging CAD system and take advantage of new AutoCAD software technologies
File Type:Dynamite VSP Rail Object Style
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:Dynamite VSP is a 3D visualisation tool designed specifically for civil engineers and transport infrastructure planners. It is compatible with both 3ds max and Autodesk VIZ.
Open Programs:

Dynamite VSP

Company / developer:
  3am Solutions (UK) Limited

Making the visualisation process more accessible than ever before, Dynamite VSP has revolutionised the process of turning raw 3d civil engineering design data into accurate and compelling rendered 3d visualisations.

With dedicated style driven and intuitive engineering specific visualisation functionality, along with extensive parametric civil oriented object and material libraries included as standard, Dynamite VSP allows stunning results to be achieved with little or no prior knowledge of 3d visualisation techniques.

Providing direct and permanent links between Autodesk VIZ or 3ds Max and 3D civil design applications such as MX, Civil 3D, InRoads and Geopak - Dynamite VSP is capable of updating visualisations automatically when design changes occur.

File Type:Philips 3D Solutions 3D Displays that show 3D content
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:Philips 3D Solutions sell 3D Displays that show 3D content, using patented 2D-plus-Depth format. The used file extension use .s3d.
Open Programs:

3DS Media Player

Company / developer:
  Philips 3D Solutions

File Type:SolidWorks eDrawing part file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:Collaborate more effectively with everyone involved in product development by using eDrawings™ software, the first email-enabled communication tool that dramatically eases sharing of product design information. Fast, reliable, and convenient, eDrawings files supply accurate representations of 3D models and 2D drawings created with the most widely used CAD systems on the market. eDrawings offers unique capabilities like point-and-click animations that make it easy for anyone with a PC to interpret and understand 2D and 3D design data.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  SolidWorks Corporation

3D Mechanical Design Solutions

Develop more accurate and reliable product designs through the unmatched 2D and 3D capabilities of SolidWorks mechanical design solutions.

SolidWorks® Office Premium

A complete 3D product design solution, providing your product design team with all the mechanicaldesign, verification, motion simulation, data management, and communication tools that they need in one package.

SolidWorks Office Professional

A robust suite of core productivity tools, SolidWorks Office Professional includes SolidWorks 3D CAD software, a full range of design communication and CAD productivity tools and PDMWorks, an easy-to-set-up-and-use product data management (PDM) solution that is uniquely adapted to managing SolidWorks product data for the individual or workgroup.

SolidWorks 3D Mechanical Design Software

SolidWorks offers unmatched 2D and 3D design capabilities, performance, and ease-of-use.

File Type:Piranesi 3D model file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:File extension is used by Piranesi. 3D model file.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Informatix Software International


In any creative process for clients, the first presentation of ideas is vitally important. Efforts to get the client to see (and ultimately approve) the concept as a whole, rather than focusing on the detail, often result in the delivery of a loose, impressionistic visualization of the finished building, landscaping plan or product.

Piranesi excels at turning your conceptual 3D models into wonderfully atmospheric, stylised and (most importantly) persuasive visualizations, with a whole host of effects to allow you to focus the eye and the attention to the key elements of your design.

File Type:3D ACIS binary file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:File extension used by 3D ACIS.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Spatial Corp.

The 3D ACIS® Modeler (ACIS) is Spatial's prominent 3D modeling engine used by hundreds of software developers in more than 14 industries worldwide, including CAD/CAM/CAE, AEC, animation, and shipbuilding. ACIS provides some of the world's most recognized software developers and manufacturers with the underlying 3D modeling functionality necessary for creating innovative, high-performance applications.

ACIS features an open, object-oriented C++ architecture that enables robust, 3D modeling capabilities. ACIS is ideal for constructing applications with hybrid modeling features, since it integrates wireframe, surface, and solid modeling functionality with both manifold and non-manifold topology, and a rich set of geometric operations. With ACIS, you get a sound base of 3D modeling functionality, plus the flexibility to meet individual application requirements.

To simplify development with ACIS, Spatial made its licensing plan accessible to software developers on a budget. Our business model allows you to develop applications using ACIS without up-front costs for the first year, or until your products ship. As a result, our revenue is directly tied to your time-to-market and success.

3D Modeling

  • Extrude/revolve/sweep sets of 2D curves into complex surfaces or solids.
  • Fillet and chamfer between faces and along edges in surface and solid models.
  • Fit surfaces to a closed network of curves.
  • Generate patterns of repetitive shapes.
  • Hollow solids and thicken surfaces.
  • Interactively bend, twist, stretch, and warp combinations of curves, surfaces, and solids.
  • Intersect/subtract/unite any combination of curves, surfaces, and solids.
  • Loft surfaces to fit a set of profile curves.
  • Taper/offset/move surfaces in a model.
3D Model Management
  • Attach user-defined data to any level of a model.
  • Track geometry and topology changes.
  • Calculate mass and volume.
  • Model sub-regions of a solid using cellular topology.
  • Unlimited undo/redo with independent history streams.
3D Model Visualization
  • Tessellate surface geometry into polygonal mesh representation.
  • Create advanced surfacing capabilities with the optional Deformable Modeling component.
  • Generate precise 2D projections with hidden line removal using optional PHL V5 component.
  • Develop graphical applications easily using Tech Soft America's HOOPS 3d Application Framework, available from Spatial and integrated with ACIS.
File Type:3D ACIS model file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:SAT files generated by Spatial Technologies® ACIS as exported by Autodesk AutoCAD, CADKEY®, IRONCAD®, Vellum Solids™, and several others CAD systems.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Spatial Corp.

The 3D ACIS® Modeler (ACIS) is Spatial's prominent 3D modeling engine used by hundreds of software developers in more than 14 industries worldwide, including CAD/CAM/CAE, AEC, animation, and shipbuilding. ACIS provides some of the world's most recognized software developers and manufacturers with the underlying 3D modeling functionality necessary for creating innovative, high-performance applications.

ACIS features an open, object-oriented C++ architecture that enables robust, 3D modeling capabilities. ACIS is ideal for constructing applications with hybrid modeling features, since it integrates wireframe, surface, and solid modeling functionality with both manifold and non-manifold topology, and a rich set of geometric operations. With ACIS, you get a sound base of 3D modeling functionality, plus the flexibility to meet individual application requirements.

To simplify development with ACIS, Spatial made its licensing plan accessible to software developers on a budget. Our business model allows you to develop applications using ACIS without up-front costs for the first year, or until your products ship. As a result, our revenue is directly tied to your time-to-market and success.

3D Modeling

  • Extrude/revolve/sweep sets of 2D curves into complex surfaces or solids.
  • Fillet and chamfer between faces and along edges in surface and solid models.
  • Fit surfaces to a closed network of curves.
  • Generate patterns of repetitive shapes.
  • Hollow solids and thicken surfaces.
  • Interactively bend, twist, stretch, and warp combinations of curves, surfaces, and solids.
  • Intersect/subtract/unite any combination of curves, surfaces, and solids.
  • Loft surfaces to fit a set of profile curves.
  • Taper/offset/move surfaces in a model.
3D Model Management
  • Attach user-defined data to any level of a model.
  • Track geometry and topology changes.
  • Calculate mass and volume.
  • Model sub-regions of a solid using cellular topology.
  • Unlimited undo/redo with independent history streams.
3D Model Visualization
  • Tessellate surface geometry into polygonal mesh representation.
  • Create advanced surfacing capabilities with the optional Deformable Modeling component.
  • Generate precise 2D projections with hidden line removal using optional PHL V5 component.
  • Develop graphical applications easily using Tech Soft America's HOOPS 3d Application Framework, available from Spatial and integrated with ACIS.
File Type:SadefCam file
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:File extension used by SadefCam.

Users of 3 D steelwork detailing systems can use the integrated SADEF - profile libraries for the following detailing-programs.

SADEF building components are now available within the following 3D steelwork detailing systems : X-steel, Strucad, Bocad and Hypersteel.

Users of AutoCad based systems or other 3D CAD-software can download dwg or dxf-libraries to get the SADEF building components in their systems.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Autodesk, Inc.

AutoCAD® OEM is a CAD development platform that provides tools to build custom AutoCAD-based software products for specific markets and extend design information to users outside the traditional CAD community. You can easily create industry-specific products that offer only the features, commands, menus, and design data that your customers require.

AutoCAD OEM is licensed to independent software developers, corporate developers, and system integrators who need to

  • Deliver a product that requires CAD functionality but is not targeted at traditional CAD users
  • Build products that can read and create DWG files that are fully compatible with AutoCAD DWG files
  • Create host programs that run an application in a child window or through a web page
  • Deliver products with scaled feature sets at scaled price points Provide an AutoCAD-based platform that cannot be customized or extended by end users
  • Replace an aging CAD system and take advantage of new AutoCAD software technologies
File Type:SAP2000 Model File
Category:3D graphics, CAD-CAM file
File Description:3D model created with SAP2000
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Computers & Structures

The SAP name has been synonymous with state-of-the-art analytical methods since its introduction over 30 years ago. SAP2000 follows in the same tradition featuring a very sophisticated, intuitive and versatile user interface powered by an unmatched analysis engine and design tools for engineers working on transportation, industrial, public works, sports, and other facilities.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC